Sunday = Volunteer Day at KC Pet Project
I couldn't wait to get there to help with our Pets for Vets adoption event.
KC Pet Project is full of amazing wonderful dogs and cats and with the adoption event we hoped to match great animals with wonderful homes. The weather was perfect, there was a line of adopters and plenty of volunteers to help. It was going to be a good day...
There are easily over 100 available dogs at any given time waiting to get outside for a walk.
is always a little overwhelming when you first enter the shelter.
Every dog is looking at you, they are all barking at you wanting to be
the first one to catch a breath of fresh air. Volunteers are a must if
the dogs have any chance of getting outside JUST ONCE EVERYDAY. We need
more volunteers - it is heartbreaking leaving and knowing that only
half the dogs made it outside to play and get love and attention. Just
one hour can introduce you to some amazing animals who want nothing but
to be your best friend and get some attention. If you have any desire
to help just visit the KC Pet Project volunteer page...tell all your friends!
Before I go, I must tell you about my favorite dog, maybe my next foster dog HANSEL...

This is just one of the MANY dogs waiting for you to come visit, please don't wait to long to help - they need you!
Thank you Tasha for starting this blog on the joys of volunteering. I can second Tasha's feelings about getting involved...if you ever wanted to feel needed and loved by 100+ homeless animals, this is the place to come. I am constantly amazed by the quality and compassion in these wonderful animals. Even though they are in a room with another 100+ other barking animals, most of them are loving and forgiving....and smart! Besides walking them, a side effect will be getting to know all their personalities and that will enable you to help get them adopted faster. You can spread the word on facebook and through other networks by describing their personalities and traits to your truly works. I help our volunteer professional photographer take all the new dogs photos each week, so i get to see almost every dog in the shelter as they are brought out for their photos. I love meeting each one of them...some are so shy that they are afraid to walk outside on their own...but we take our time and work with each one at their own pace. No better feeling than to give a puppy the confidence to come outside and enjoy the day for a bit. They almost always go back to their kennel happier and i make sure they know they are loved. I always whisper to them and say we are working on a rescue plan. I swear they understand as i usually see a tail wagging..or get a kiss.