There are so many ways to volunteer with KC Pet Project. One
of the most important of course is just walking the dogs and working
with them one on one. It isn't very often that I really get to focus on
one dog and really get to know them. Most Sundays I am there
organizing photos to make sure all the new dogs get photographed by a
professional. In between I might be helping other volunteers or
potential adopters. I am always running around trying to get as much
done as possible. I have also been trying to get to the shelter early so
I can help with playgroups. It is such an important part of
volunteering. I love making sure as many dogs as possible get outside to play in the
morning so they are more relaxed in their kennels when potential adopters come through. It is a race to get them all out, and honestly I
meet them I know their names, but I don't get that one on one time to
really understand their personality. Today was a little different.
It was so great to see four ladies helping run dogs to Leslie during Sunday morning playgroups. I decided to get some one on one time with the dogs that don't do
so well with playgroups. These dogs might be best as the only pet, or they may do much better with dogs once they're out of the shelter environment. Either way, I wanted to spend the day getting to know these dogs and let them have a good time outside with me. If you click their picture you can see a video of our time together.

Fresca is SO SWEET and so adorable. She actually arrived at the shelter back in December, and I am sad that I didn't get to know her until now. Looking back at her photos she looks shy and scared, but this girl is far from that. She also seems to have gained some weight (she could still use a few extra pounds). We went outside to play and she had fun. She would take laps around the yard and then come back to check in. She sat for treats and was so gentle. Fresca took in all the attention I gave her and leaned in for more loving. She is a great dog and I hope someone sees how wonderful she is.
Kona! What a handsome little boy. He has spunk, personality, and energy. I could tell while watching him in his kennel that he might be a handful. He was ready to jump out from the top kennel =) Good thing he is only 35lbs! He is totally fun. I think the kennel is just stressing this boy out and he wants to be with people. He came right up for more attention, and loves to run around and play with the toys. I couldn't get him to sit because he was a little distracted, but I know he wants to learn. I hated putting him back in his kennel, he's such a sweet little guy. I hope that adopters take some time with him outside of the shelter to see how cool this dude really is.
Tango looks tough, but this guy is a cool dog. His
athletic build and cropped ears might make him look a little
intimidating, but he is a sweet boy. He listened really well and did
great at ignoring the rowdy dog in the play yard next to him. Tango
wanted my treats and sat for me. He ran for the tennis ball and then
played with every other toy he could find. He has a lot of good things
going for him, and although he might be best as the only pet it would be
totally worth it. I am pulling for him.
Faster than a speeding Bullet? That is
not how this guy got his name. Bullet actually came to the shelter with a
bullet lodged in his neck, close to his ear. He is pretty amazing and
so is the vet staff at KCPP. They were able to remove it and Bullet
didn't seem to be fazed by it all. He is a pretty awesome boy and funny
too. He LOVES any and all toys. He goes straight for the toy box and
picks out every toy to play with. He loves to see how fast he can shred
the stuffed toys. He loves to roll down the turf and scratch his back
too. If you are looking for entertainment, Bullet is your man. He is
strong and beefy, but is easy peasy when it comes to play time. He can
entertain himself with all the toys. I really hope someone will consider
this big guy. The volunteers love his personality and can't wait to see
him in a happy home.
I fell IN LOVE with Kennedy. This precious girl will melt your heart. Her gentle eyes and sweet face are just too much. She prefers to be close to you and getting loved on as much as possible. Her sweet spot is under her neck, you could scratch and massage her for hours and she is one happy girl. She sits and I heard she is an angel in the car. Kennedy would be perfect for someone that is looking for a best friend that she can spend her days with. Naps on the couch, cuddle time while watching TV, car rides on a nice summer day. This girl is too great to pass up!
It was really a great day on Sunday. Being able to focus on one dog and giving them that attention they need. Dogs just want to be loved and I am so glad I spent the extra time getting to know these dogs. I will share their videos and pictures in hopes that someone will see them and adopt these special pups.